Tuesday, September 4, 2007

2 Days left!

Well, here we are with only 2 days before we hit the road! We are not really ready, we have tons to do and very little time to do it in, we both have massive migraines and are totally exhausted. The motorhome is still getting wrapped and it needs new brakes. The bike still needs to get wrapped, but we can't get it to the shop until we get some riding gear. We haven't even started packing, we can't get our camera gear until Thurs. nite, we have to get our house and personal affects in order, including a house/cat sitter, we also need to open a bank account, pay for a ton more things (which is all going on my personal credit card...YIKES!) and finish incorporating a company. That's to name a few....

I really don't know how this is going to come together, I just have a feeling that it will. If I am wrong, then I am going to be f**cked! So lets think positive and wish us the best of luck!

Fingers crossed....


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