Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So tired... so incredibly tired...

Okay... I know that what we are doing is important - and I am (somewhat!?) confident that we will ultimately succeed... but... it all seems incredibly overwhelming at the moment.

Basically we have one week left, with essentially NO sponsors. (Lots of promises, but very little follow through!) Now, granted, we're trying to pull this thing off on what is essentially an IMPOSSIBLE schedule, but... it has been extremely challenging working through corporate red tape to try and convince companies to come on board and support some of our more basic needs.

We're almost out of time and the only option at this point seems to be to put pretty much everything (airfares, fuel, food, accommodations, etc.) on our personal credit cards (which scares the CRAP out of me).

There is simply no way we are going to get the motorhome shipped out to Newfoundland - no companies have agreed to sponsor the transportation of the RV (the quotes we are getting are for approx. $5000 - one way!), and even if they did, we've essentially run out of time.

This means that we are now going to have to leave from Vancouver 5 days earlier than planned - which creates some challenges on its own - and drive the thing out there - almost 5000 miles - with 20 hour driving days (we're going to alternate driving and sleeping shifts between three of us) - and approximately $2500-3000 in fuel costs!

We also have no precise or definite plans of any kind of how the fundraising is actually going to work, and there is no guarantee that we won't: (a) breakdown; (b) run out of money; (c) kill ourselves on the motorcycle; and/or (d) spend $50,000 of our own money on a cross Canada adventure that nobody cares about or supports (financially) in the form of donations!

If it all seems doom and gloom it's because it sort of feels that way right now. Of course - I also haven't had more than 5 hours of sleep per night in the last 3 weeks - but hey - who's counting. I'm only just beginning to imagine what this is going to be like once we are on the road for what is now becoming 7 straight weeks.

Anybody out there want to volunteer to do this for us!? :) No... really!!! :)

(Oh yeah - the RV is currently at the repair shop - and we haven't even left town yet!) God I hope this works....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you think you're tired now, just don't go get pregnant or you'll need more than a side car on the way back.

Congrats on even getting this far guys.

BTW, I'm tired just reading your blog -- how on earth do you find the time to write!!