Sunday, September 9, 2007

Day 2...So long Montana!

We finally made it out of Montana and now we are in beautiful Wyoming! Actually, it all looks the same. We are hoping to make it to Chicago tomorrow afternoon for several reasons including: 1. Chicago is about ½ way (which is good news for us!) 2. we are going to Robin’s parents house, where we are hoping to finally take a shower and also eat some “real” food and to pick up additional camera gear and of course 3. at least we are not in Montana any more. So far the trip is going well considering the horrible start we had. We are each taking shifts of about 6 hours of driving. We also have a rule that 3 people can not be awake at the same time, expect for late afternoon, early evening which we have dubbed "cross-over time". On your “off” time you can eat, and sleep and that’s about it. So far we can only manage to sleep for 2 hours at a time before being woken up by noise or bouncy road conditions. Mostly we are living on a series of naps and snacks. We have been stopping for a “major” meal once a day and of course we stop whenever we need gas. Based on what happened in Seattle we start looking for gas when the gage reads ½ a tank so that we never run the gage down lower than between ½ and ¼ tank. Mind you, we were smart this time and have pre-filled both gas cans just in case.

Today has gone smoothly as we have been rolling the whole time and have not had any difficulties with equipment or near break downs, except for the time when the windshield wipers quit working. That was…fun! We pulled over and managed to get them fixed in about 10 minutes. Oh yeah, and the side mirror…that kept falling forward and sideways which was really no help in changing lanes to the right hand side. So that was a quick pit stop as well, just enough time to get out the tools and tighten up the screw holding the mirror in place. Other than a few gas stops and our latest stop at the super Walmart in Sheridan, Wyoming (now we can make food in the Gord-mobile) we have been running non stop. We have also decided to "pre-blog" while on the road to save time when we finally find an internet connection. Boy are we smart or what.....?

Next stop Chicago for that long awaited shower!!!


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