Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New York, New York….New York???

Why the hell is New York so big? It’s day 4 and after 7 hours of driving and we are only in Albany. I wonder why so many people live in New York City, cuz there is plenty of space in upstate NY!!

We have been doing some calculations and have just realized that we are going to miss the ferry from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland tomorrow morning. It’s a real disappointment to us all, knowing how hard we pushed ourselves to make it here on time, only to realize we will not only miss the ferry by about 1 hour, but also we will be delayed in Nova Scotia until the next ferry which departs at 11:30pm, only a mere 11 hour wait. The worst part is, that once on the ferry it’s an 8 hour crossing followed by another 10 hours of driving, putting us in the St. John’s area Wed. night…only 2 days later than we had originally planned. We are all tired and feeling a bit frustrated, there is a general feeling of “whatever” in the air. It’s a bit sad also since Lisa really wanted to spend some time with her grandma (Nan) and the rest of her family, who has been looking forward to her arrival for 2 weeks now. The other 4 members of our team will be in St. John’s tonight and will hit the ground tomorrow without us, working on the logistics of our first event. Our hearts are a bit heavy as we feel trapped in the Gord-mobile unable to do anything but drive! Big sigh….

By-the-way….we are still in New York!

Right, so things have just gone from bad to worse. The Gord-mobile can’t take any more abuse for the moment. The temperature gage is reading nearly maxed so to prevent us from overheating we have the heater cranked and have reduced our speed to 70k. While searching for a place to pull off the road and let the Gord-mobile cool down for a couple of hours we ran into numerous problems…first we tried turning around on the highway, which not only did NOT work, but we also managed to jack-knife the trailer all while blocking 2 lanes of traffic. Remember how I said we had the heater on…well that combined with the stress of being jack-knifed caused the tension in this rectangle tomb with wheels to reach about a level 80 on the stress-o-meter. But somehow we pulled it together and managed to free ourselves from the jam we got into.

You would think things would get better, but no. We had to make 3 attempts at getting into the gas station, and while going the wrong way down a little side street (only for ½ a block) we managed to jack-knife the trailer…yet again! Only a mere 10 minutes since the last incident. No one really said much while we pumped gas and quietly loathed New York and our current situation. While trying to return to the highway and find a decent place to let our beast rest, we were nearly taken out by a semi-truck as we drifted into his lane by accident. This was due to us trying to make ourselves feel better (and cooler) we all began eating freezy pops and then decided to film a segment for the movie. Let’s just say that things didn’t work out like we planned. Not to worry to all the parents who might be reading this…I promise you that your children are all fine and taken care of!!

We are finally on our way to Massachusetts and have decided to lighten the mood by singing Newfie songs, my person favorite is “Donkey Riding” which Lisa has challenged me to learn all the lyrics to before getting to Newfoundland! So for now we are going to sit back and relax (with seat backs and tray tables in their full and upright position) sing some songs, have a laugh, and remember why we are doing this!


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